Is Your RTO ASQA Compliant?
Given the new standards set by Australian Skills Quality Authority – ASQA there are RTO companies that still face issues in reaching the RTO compliance Brisbane as per the upgraded standards. Based upon their research, one out of three RTO were fully compliant.
It is important to stay compliant with the ASQA audit as it obviously has a positive impact in improving the quality of service being delivered, the reputation of the company increases and the most important factor, the company does not face the risk of losing their registration or be suspended. Organizations needs to stay aware of the ASQA Standards and prioritize compliance framework.
Are you Aware of the Changes to the ASQA Standards?
ASQA has updated their standards in 2015 and yet there are RTOs that are facing issues to meet the new standards or to adjust their processes accordingly. Not organizations that fall under vocational training and education, are without doubt subject to the strict compliance. For them it has to be an ongoing process. In order to meet the updated requirements, the RTOs needs to have a full action and execution plan, else they can be easily overwhelmed by the change processes and administrative issues which will eventually pop up in the next ASQA audit.
Here are few tips that your RTO business can use to stay compliant
A tip we can suggest you to overcome the gaps and not be surprises at the time of audit is to ensure tht you get regular audits done. If you hire professionals such as TBS Consulting to help you in staying ASQA Compliant, they will provide their Full Service backed up by Richard Turner, the Director’s 20 years of experience in making sure your RTO is fully compliant.
Secondly, another way to ensure you overcome these gaps is to do an internal audit of your RTO, again, this will identify potential risk areas which you can overcome.
After identification of risk areas, these should be assigned as duties to individuals and make sure they are responsible to overcome and close the gaps. The standards of RTO has an impact on various functions and departments, hence, proper coordination and communication is required. Being specific to assigning tasks and responsibility makes achieving the results more productively than assigning it to the whole department. In latter, no one will take up the responsibility and start playing blame game.
You must ensure and roll out a culture where compliance is not only appreciated but encouraged and employees take full ownership to maintain the standards. For this communication and coordination plays a key role. Make sure you communicate with the staff and create awareness. Implement and communicate the policies and make sure reminders are also well in place. You may also give incentives if the standards are met.